Iharm Necessary For Someone Who Travels In And Out Of Haram Area For Business Purpose Or For Those People Who Do Not Intend To Do Hajj or Umrah
Ihram is the specific clothing worn for Hajj.
- It is an Arabic word derived from “haramat,” meaning that this is the clothing that, once worn, imposes certain prohibitions on Muslims.
- Ihram consists of white garments that are not stitched, worn by those coming for Hajj, as it is an important Sunnah of the Messenger (peace be upon him), and wearing it is mandated in Hajj and Umrah.
- It is also essential to make the intention for Ihram. After making the intention, Ihram is donned, and thereafter, Hajj and Umrah are performed; without it, Hajj and Umrah cannot be completed.
- The clothing for Ihram differs for men and women. For men, it consists of wearing a white cloth that is not stitched.
- For women, there is no specific garment for Ihram; rather, they can wear any clothing they have, provided it is modest, does not reveal the body, and leaves the face and hands exposed.
An important question arises here:
Is Ihram also necessary for those who travel in and out of the sacred precincts for business or work purposes, while they do not intend to perform Hajj or Umrah?
The Boundaries of Haram:
The Haram is the sacred land surrounding Allah’s House, meaning the area of Makkah and its surroundings, known as the Haram. When someone enters the boundaries of the Haram, it becomes obligatory for them to wear Ihram and intend for Hajj or Umrah, but this obligation applies only to those who intend to perform Hajj or Umrah and seek the blessings of this act.
Entering the Haram for Business or Work Purposes:
Since the obligation of Ihram applies to those coming for Hajj or Umrah, who enter the Haram with the intention of performing Hajj or Umrah, all those entering the Haram for business or other work purposes are not required to wear Ihram. According to scholars, wearing Ihram is not obligatory for such individuals. This is because wearing Ihram is a part of the rites of Hajj and Umrah, and Hajj or Umrah cannot be performed without it.
Ihram is not obligatory for those who come to the Haram for work or business purposes, as their intention is not to perform Hajj or Umrah. However, it is important to observe the etiquette of the Haram. Respecting the sanctity and honor of this great and holy land is an obligation on every Muslim in the world. Islam, being a complete way of life, provides this allowance to prevent any hardship. Therefore, one should be mindful of proper manners and give thanks to Allah.